33 + 3 Onesie Time

img_4050As of today we no longer have a naked baby in her incubator!  She got put in a onesie to prepare for being in a crib in the coming weeks.  Mike was sick and didn’t get to see her Friday, Saturday or Sunday and now I have it and have not seen her since Sunday. Mike has been going in and face timing.  I miss her so much! She is doing great and is getting big.

We started nursing last week and she loves it.  She doesn’t nurse for very long, nor probably get a ton of milk, but that she likes it and is latching correctly makes me so happy.  On Sunday, while she was nursing, the nurse Dallin came in to start her tube feeding and had to move the blanket away a little to get to her tube and she gripped onto me like he was going to take her away.  It was the cutest thing! He and I told all the other nurses about it because it was so adorable and she is so smart.

Last night she was 3lbs 6 oz that is a big gain of 2 ounces.  We will see what she weighs tonight when Mike goes to see her.

2 thoughts on “33 + 3 Onesie Time

  1. Love hearing your updates and all the joy you have around this little one. Sweet Sora is so loved! You guys are doing a great job. Continued prayers for her growth!!


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