32 + 5 Self Soothing

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetSora loves attention, what baby doesn’t!  We try our best to be here as much as we can to hold her, tell her stories and do her cares. Sometimes she gets a little overwhelmed by things and needs us to just hold her. This morning during cares she was a little fussy and Brit reached in to contain her even though she had her hands placed right where she loves them on the sides of her head. She started to pull at her ear and that made her more uncomfortable. And then as we were getting ready to leave, she held her own hands together and was just content with it. Between holding hands and binky, she settled herself down and had a great day.

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

Weight: 3lbs 2oz

2 thoughts on “32 + 5 Self Soothing

  1. Just getting caught up on all the updates! So glad she’s doing so well and that you guys are able to spend so much time with her through all this. Can’t wait to meet her and snuggle her too!! We love you 3!


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